I love a good sandwich (who doesnt!), and one of my absolute favorite fillings is smoked pulled pork. With the recipe below a boneless pork shoulder is smoked for 6 hours, while being mopped before its wrapped and cooked for a further 3 hours to tender. Fantastic!
Tap/Click to watch the recipe or scroll below for the steps: Video – GreenMountainGrills.com
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Step 1: This smoked pulled pork recipe starts with a homemade rub containing a quarter cup of Black Pepper, 1/8th of a cup of Kosher Salt, two tbsp Garlic Power, two tbsp Paprika, one tbsp Mustard Powder, one tbsp Chili Powder, 1/2 tbsp Chipotle Powder and finally one tsp of Cayenne Powder all mixed together.
Step 2: The recipe used a boneless pork shoulder. Once out of the packaging, some paper towel was used to get rid of the moisture on the surface of the pork. Very little trimming was needed in this case but be prepared for a bit of light trimming.
Step 3: A mustard binder was used with a little pickle juice added to thin out the mustard so it spread more easily.
Step 4: The mustard was then spread over the entire surface of the pork shoulder.
Step 5: Once given a good coating of mustard the custom homemade rub was applied.
Step 6: When applying a rub its important to remember you need to hit all the edges of the meat, not just the top and bottom but the sides as well. The seasoned pork shoulder was then clear-wrapped and placed in the fridge overnight for the seasoning to penetrate the meat.
Step 7: The next day, the pork shoulder then went onto the pellet smoker which had been preheated to 225 degrees, and placed off to one side on the grate, avoiding the hot spot from the pellet burn pot.
Step 8: While the pork shoulder was smoking away, a mopping sauce was produced which had a base of one cup of Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/4 cup of Ketchup, 1/2 cup of White Sugar, 1 tbsp Hot Sauce…
Step 9: The ingredients for the mopping sauce continued with 1 tbsp Chili Powder, 1 tsp Cayenne Powder, 1 tbsp Black Pepper, 1 tbsp Lemon Juice, and 1/4 cup of Apple Juice all mixed together. This mixture was then heated up and kept warm.
Step 10: After around 2 hours at 225 degrees the seasoning was set into the pork shoulder, and it was getting some good color from the smoke. However, there was still a long way to go.
Step 11: At four hours into the cook it was time to turn over the pork shoulder.
Step 11: After flipping the pork shoulder the first application of mopping sauce went down. With a mopping sauce as opposed to a spray/spritz, you can get more ingredients/flavor onto the meat.
Step 12: At the six-hour mark, and after several mopping sauce applications, the pork shoulder was taken off the pellet smoker and wrapped in foil before going back on the pellet smoker to cook to tender.
Step 13: At between 8 to 9 hours, on the pellet smoker the foil was peeled back to check the temp and tenderness. The pork shoulder was at over 200 degrees, very tender, and ready to come off.
Step 14: After leaving the pork to slowly rest for 30 minutes it was pulled apart. Pulled pork can be enjoyed on its own, but for me personally, it can be used to make some fantastic sandwiches.
Hi, I’m Chris Scott. I started PelHeat.com back in 2007 and I have a background in pellet manufacturing. PelHeat.com is an educational resource on BBQ pellets, pellet grills & smokers. Check out our Pellet Grill & Smoker Database.
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