9 Steps To Take A Spiral Ham To The Next Level With A Mustard/Honey Roast

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A cooked bone-in spiral ham joint is a convenient purchase to make up sandwiches, etc. However, a standard spiral ham is obviously on the relatively ‘plain’ flavor side of things. With the recipe from Recteq below, a standard spiral ham is upgraded with a mustard coating and a honey glaze while being roasted.

Tap/Click above to watch the recipe or scroll below for the steps: Video – Recteq.com

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Step 1: The first step is to give the ham spiral joint a good coating of mustard. Try and work it inbetween the spiral cuts as well.
Step 2: The mustard coating on the spiral ham will obviously provide additional flavor in and of itself. However, it also provides an important role as a binder for the rub.
Step 3: Next, the Recteq Honey Rib Rub was applied generously over the surface of the spiral ham. The rub is a mixture of Brown Sugar, White Sugar, Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Paprika, Chili Powder, Oregano and Cayenne.
Step 4: Then its simply a case of roasting the spiral ham in your oven/smoker. In this case, the spiral ham was placed on the Recteq at 325 degrees for 90 minutes. At that temp the pellet smoker is not going to be producing a lot of smoke, but there will be some additional smoke flavor added.
Step 5: While the ham is cooking away its time to prepare the glaze. For this recipe, the glaze was butter, Dijon mustard, honey, and brown sugar.
Step 6: Finally, some of the Recteq Honey Rib Rub was also added to the glaze mixture.
Step 7: Then mix all those ingredients together. However, its obviously not much of a glaze at this point.
Step 8: Therefore, get the glaze mixture into your oven/pellet smoker for around 30 minutes alongside the ham.
Step 9: As the ham is coming up towards its 90-minute cook time, start to glaze the surface of the ham, and that’s it, an upgraded sweet and tasty spiral ham joint!

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