A nicely cooked pork joint is one of my favorite cuts of meat. However, I, like many others, have experienced the horror story of dry pork that’s got little to no flavor and a horrible texture. A simple way to avoid that is through proper preparation and diligent monitoring during the cook. Just follow the recipe/steps below, and you’ll end up with a lovely and juicy boneless pork loin.
Tap/Click above to watch the recipe or scroll below to see the steps: Video – PitBoss-Grills.com
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Step 1: So the starting point is obviously to get a good quality boneless pork loin. Unless there are really large pieces of fat hanging off it, don’t be tempted to trim it further.
Step 2: You’ll now want to score the pork loin (8th of an inch deep)on both sides in a crosshatch design, with the cuts about an inch apart, do this on both sides. This will help the fat to render which will percolate into the meat, keeping it moist as it cooks.
Step 3: Next, you’re going to want to add about a tablespoon of Dijon mustard. This is used as a binder for the other seasonings as well as adding flavor itself.
Step 4: Work the Dijon mustard over both sides of the pork loin and into those score marks. Try to use just one hard, to keep the other hand clean to apply the other seasonings.
Step 5: Next, sprinkle over both sides some salt and pepper.
Step 6: The final seasoning is some chopped Rosemary and Parsley.
Step 7: For this pork loin recipe, a Pit Boss Sportsman pellet grill was used and set to a temperature of 350 degrees for roasting. Hence, this is above smoking temperatures (180 to 250 degrees).
Step 8: You’ll want to place the pork loin on the second rack above the main grate if possible. This will avoid any issues with hot spots to achieve even cooking around the pork.
Step 9: With the meat probe inserted to monitor the internal temperature of the pork it was cooked to an internal temperature of 135 degrees to accommodate the carry-over cooking as the pork loin rests.
Step 10: Taken off the Pit Boss at 135 degrees the pork loin was then rested for 10 minutes with the internal temperature finishing up between 140 to 145 degrees.
Step 11: With the first cut-through of the pork loin, its clear to see this is not a dry/overcooked pork loin and it has maintained its internal moisture.
Step 12: After you have cut up the pork loin to serve, don’t forget to pour over the juices from the baking tray as there is a lot of flavor in those juices.
Step 13: And that’s it! A nice and simple means to cook a nice juicy pork loin. For additional bonus points on presentation, sprinkle some more chopped parsley/rosemary over the top. Loverly
Hi, I’m Chris Scott. I started PelHeat.com back in 2007 and I have a background in pellet manufacturing. PelHeat.com is an educational resource on BBQ pellets, pellet grills & smokers. Check out our Pellet Grill & Smoker Database.
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