14 Steps To These Cream Cheese Stuffed Pork Chops For Juicy Goodness

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No one likes a dry pork chop, well, no one should. Therefore, cooking your pork chops to avoid such a disastrous fate is important. With the recipe below before getting these pork chops on the grill a small pock was cut into them and filled with cream cheese and spinach. Adding additional flavor, but also, helping to keep these pork chops lovely and juicy.

Tap/Click to watch the recipe or scroll below to see the steps: Video – PitBoss-Grills.com

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Step 1: To make a stuffed cream cheese pork chop, you’re going to want to start with some nice double-cut pork chops so you’ll be able to make a pocket between them.
Step 2: When it comes to the cream cheese, you’ll want to warm it up a little to make it easier to work with. This recipe also added a little of the Pit Boss Maple Chipotle rub into the cream cheese.
Step 3: Then some thawed-out frozen spinach was added to the cream cheese and stirred through, which will add a different flavor and texture.
Step 4: When it comes to making the pocket in between the double-cut pork chops, you don’t want to go all the way through the fat cap at the back, but make the pocket as large as you can.
Step 5: Its then simply a case of getting a spoon and scooping up that cream cheese and spinach and getting as much into that pocket between the pork chops as you can.
Step 6: With both of the double-cut pork chops loaded with the cream cheese and spinach filling its now time for the seasoning.
Step 7: The seasoning of the pork chops started with some 16-mesh coarse ground black pepper.
Step 8: Then the pork chops were seasoned with some of the Pit Boss Mapel Chipotle Rub which gave them additional flavor but also a great color.
Step 9: The well-seasoned cheese-stuffed pork chops were left to sweat and absorb the rub for a few minutes while the pellet smoker got up to temperature. A temperature of 275 degrees was used for this recipe.
Step 10: When the pellet smoker got up to 275 degrees, the pork chops were placed on the upper rack with a disposable pan underneath, just to make clean-up easier.
Step 11: This is what the pork chops were looking like after 30 minutes. Nowhere near done, but they were developing great color and texture even at this early stage.
Step 12: At the 30-minute stage, the pork chops were flipped over, just to make sure they cooked through nice and evenly. The target internal temperature for pork is around 145 degrees.
Step 13: After an hour and twenty minutes, the pork chops had reached an internal temperature of just under 145 degrees; with a little bit of carryover cooking, they’ll be right on point.
Step 14: As you can see above, after slicing into the pork chops, they are cooked evenly and juicy, and that cream cheese and spinach center will taste absolutely fantastic.

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