14 Steps To Nice & Simple Smoked Chuck Beef Sandwiches

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In the BBQ world, some recipes can get quite flamboyant, but sometimes, just making up some good quality sandwiches can hit the spot. With this recipe, a pretty thick beef chuck steak with great fat marbling was smoked and then braised. A horseradish sauce was then prepared to go along with it to produce some excellent sandwiches.

Tap/Click above to watch the recipe or scroll below for the steps: Video – ZGrills.com

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Step 1: This recipe starts with a pretty large chuck beef steak about 2 inches thick, and it did have some really good fat marbling. Which is important to provide the best flavor possible.
Step 2: It was then time to season the beef chuck steak. For this recipe, Uncle Steve’s Lucky Shake All Purpose was used, which contains Garlic, Paprika, Chili Pepper, and Tumeric, as well as Salt.
Step 3: When applying rub to a large steak, particularly a thick steak such as this, you want to go pretty liberal with the rub and get all the edges and sides.
Step 4: The pellet smoker was preheated to 275 degrees and a meat probe was inserted to monitor the chuck steak up to around 160 degrees.
Step 5: Being such a thick steak with good fat marbling, quite a lot of grease dripped off it. In these scenarios, placing a steak on an upper rack (if you have one) with a disposable pan underneath makes a lot of sense.
Step 6: As the beef chuck steak got up to around 166 degrees it was ready to come off the pellet smoker after absorbing some smoke flavor.
Step 7: The chuck steak had taken on some great color from the Paprika in the rub and the smoke from the pellet smoker.
Step 8: The chuck steak was then taken off the pellet smoker and placed on a small rack in the disposable baking tin with some sliced red onion thrown in, along with a teaspoon of beef bouillon and a small amount of water.
Step 9: Foil was placed over the top and the chuck steak was placed back into the pellet smoker at 275 degrees for it to steam cook/braise up to an internal temperature of around 200 degrees.
Step 10: While the beef continued to cook a Horseradish Sauce was prepared, which was half a cup of Sour Cream, 2 tbsp of Horseradish, 2 tbsp of Mayo, 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar, a quarter of a tsp of Salt and a little Black Pepper, all stirred together.
Step 11: When it comes to the bread, you’ve obviously got lots of options to consider. For this recipe, a freshly baked Onion loaf was used.
Step 12: After a total cooking time of four hours and the beef at 200 degrees it was time to take it off the pellet smoker.
Step 13: Ideally, you’ll let the beef rest for 10 to 15 minutes before you cut into and slice it up for your sandwiches to let the fat/juices be reabsorbed back into the muscle fibers of the steak.
Step 14: And that’s it! Make up your sandwiches with the smoked chuck beef and horseradish sauce, maybe serve with some peppers and potato salad on the side.

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